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Postby bokkie » Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:34 am


The IA website lists resellers. As a probable purchaser of IA, we'd be looking at the discount quoting a previous IS serial number. In our recent rapid-fire emails we've been through (thanks for all your welcome comments) can you tell me/us if there is a case for buying through a reseller? I was asked this morning to look into that and a quick view of the reseller's sites showed upgrade prices from previous versions of IA, but I did not seem to see an upgrade path from a previous IS serial number. I don't know if IS upgrades are only available from IA directly or whether resellers do it as well. I suspect the IS serial number can only be done by yourselves as you have access to the algorithm that establishes the bona fides of the customer? Whatever the case may be, is there a compelling case for going through a reseller or not for after all, a digital download is quick, no matter where you get it from?
Peter. Smartly dressed, he still resembles an unmade bed.
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Postby CandiceJones » Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:15 pm

We always prefer you purchase directly from InstallAware at unless you have a specific reason not to (such as, you have to go through a reseller).

That said, resellers do have what we call competitive upgrade pricing. Just pass them your serial number and we'll take care of your order as soon as the reseller passes it on to us.
Candice Jones
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Postby bokkie » Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:37 pm

For ethical reasons I won't name the reseller - they are not on your list by the way - but we've been hit by additional costs when we ordered some other software. In addition to that, double debits were made which took a while to get back. Under some conditions the middle man might appear cheaper but you don't always get what you think. If you want to see what's under the horses tail, go direct to the horse. :wink:
Peter. Smartly dressed, he still resembles an unmade bed.
InstallAware MVP

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