Upgrade from InstallAware 2012 to InstallAware X3

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Upgrade from InstallAware 2012 to InstallAware X3

Postby Maximinus » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:46 pm


We are planning on purchasing a license for InstallAware X3 (the latest version) and would like to know if we qualify for an upgrade if we own an InstallAware 2012 license. Is there a limit on how old the previous version of InstallAware has to be in order to qualify for an upgrade?

If we qualify for an upgrade, what kind of information do you guys need in order for us to be able to get the upgrade discount? How does the upgrade licencing process work?


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Re: Upgrade from InstallAware 2012 to InstallAware X3

Postby FrancescoT » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:37 am

Dear Maximus,

Sure that your previous IA version qualifies for a product update.

I suggest you to write an email to sales@installaware.com .
They will be happy to assist you in any question that you may have about the upgrade process.

Hope this helps you.

Francesco Toscano
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