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Programming automatic updates

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:23 am
by Didier44
Hello AnyBody
I'm using InstallAware 7 R2 under Windows 7 and i'd like to know i i can program with this version of product automatic updates.
I've create my first Setup program and two patches which run on my local machine ;
Now I'd like to do this from a distant server
My setup runs and my patches two if i call them individually
Now i'd like to do that automatically ; i have to say that with my version MSI isn't available ...
My Main Setup MySetup.exe
patch 1 pach01.exe
patch 2 Patch02.exe
I've tried many thinks like "" /updatesetup
or "" /pdate
without result.
I'd like to be sure i can do that with my Version of IA
Thank you for your help

Re: Programming automatic updates

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:32 pm
by giaviv
Dear Didier44,

I am not quite sure I understand what you are trying to do. Could you please clarify?
To run your updates, call MySetup.exe /update (not through a url).
Could you describe how your program is deployed?

Re: Programming automatic updates

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:19 am
by Didier44
Ok i 'v found the solution and if it could be helpfull for somedoy i'll be happy ....
1°) Firstly i 've created my basic install program (mySetup.exe) in which i have added in the "Run sprogram" section this command
RunProgram.JPG (24.43 KiB) Viewed 32097 times

this run program launches a setup icon wich enables to enter parameters for the scheduled update task of my apllication
2°) Next i have created patch : at this point i have to precise many thinks that aren't clear in the documentation
a-) for creating a new patch , i created a new directory issued from the original directory from the basic setup directory
b-) For the patch i enter e new version for example if basic setup is I enter
c-) the output filename must have the same name than the original setup project :
d-) the files you don't want to patch have to be removed from the files Feature ; keep only files you want to update/patch
e-) in the "deplioyment" i created a new patch issued from the original setup.exe
f-) in the web update i enter my differents versions and available update for each version : in "web deployment" section and more specailly th web pack you have to enter the right name for the patch : here
g-) i apply web deployment and patch button
h-) before uploading on my web server i change name of my patch (for example MySetup->Update_to_1010.exe) i-) i uplaod on the web my original setup file and the patch files
3°) to trying all i run" : all programms are seflf installed and an icon for configuring update task is lanched : you have to enter parameters.

I haven't been able to create in the "Web deployment " section the scheduled task because i don't know the variable that i have to set in the run program : $EXENAME$ with paramete /update fails...

Re: Programming automatic updates

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:15 am
by giaviv
Dear Didier44,

Since you are using a Web Deployment, you can use the UNINSTALLLINK variable, which holds the location of the setup executable after the installation. Running that executable with the /update command line parameter will trigger an update. For example, you can create a shortcut that directs to "$UNINSTALLLINK$ /update" and place it on the desktop. This shortcut will trigger the update.

Re: Programming automatic updates

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:08 am
by Didier44
Thank you Giaviv,
that 's exactly what i'm looking for !!!!!!
It's very strange no when i open Help for this software if I ask tp search for EXENAME or UNINSTALLINKS , "help" retrieves nothing!!!
i'm going to try it ....

As you seem to be expert on using IA , could you tell me if there is a special command to make the version of my application visible int the control panel/program; actually there is nothing!!!

thank you again Giaviv

Re: Programming automatic updates

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:05 am
by giaviv
Dear Didier44,

You are probably searching the help under the index tab. This will only bring up results that have the name of what you are searching. Instead, use the search tab.
Could you clarify your second question please? What do you mean by "actually there is nothing"?

Happy to help!