Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

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Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby Tiago » Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:29 pm

Hi there,

Since we started distributing our product as a Single File Executable we have received quite a few complaints from our customers reporting disk space issues while using our IA9-generated installer. Our product's installer size is about 400MB and the disk consumption peak for such installer usually reaches about 1.4GB, making it a little bit troublesome for some customers to use it at times. This usually happens because most of these customers use the C: volume to store only OS-related files, and therefore, there is not much space left for other stuff.

On the other hand, most of these customers have a secondary local disk to install their applications (such as our product) and want to use it to store the temporary files generated by the installer as well, but IA9 uses the user's %TMP% environment variable, which in this case will point to the OS drive C:. Even though I tried, I didn't manage to find any IA9 property, configuration, or command line parameter that will allow me to, in some sort of way, programmatically change this temp folder.

  • Is there any solution other than changing the user's %TMP% environment variable?

Thanks in advance!
Tiago Rocha
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Re: Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby mills » Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:50 pm

Currently, there is no other solution at the time. However, we are working to provide an option to allow you to set the temp directory that the installer would use, independent of environment variables.
Andy Mills
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Re: Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby Tiago » Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:39 am

OK, Andy. Sounds great!
Thank you very much!
Tiago Rocha

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Re: Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby alibaba » Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:17 am

I found this thread today and asked myself if it is already possible to change the Temp folder for IA installations. I did not know of such a function.

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Re: Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby FrancescoT » Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:48 am

Dear Alibaba,

Unfortunately, It is still not possible.

Currently, you can only override the installer cache location with the use of "OVERRIDECACHE" variable.

Francesco Toscano
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Re: Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby mbond » Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:17 pm

I work for a large company. It has a security policy to lock down running EXE's from locations that aren't controlled by UAC and/or meet certain criteria. One of the problems we are having is the installer running code from the %TEMP%\MIA### folders. Even though these files are signed, hashed, and so on, the security policy does not like them and blocks them. These files run fine if they are manually dropped and run from an allowable location.

One thought we had was to see if we could change the location that InstallAware uses as a temp folder. If we could redirect it to a location that is UAC controlled, like C:\Program Files (x86)\ , then we would avoid any conflict with the security policy. Please let us know if this is possible and, if so, how?

Thank you,

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Re: Changing the Setup Temp Folder?

Postby JohnGaver » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:54 pm

It may be possible to sponsor the development of this feature, please contact your InstallAware Sales representative for more information.

Otherwise, you may use an Uncompressed build, and ship that to your client as a manually created archive after the build process. They may then extract that package to any location they so desire.
John Gaver
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