Possible bug?

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Possible bug?

Postby [MS]Mark » Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:56 am

I've noticed that all the projects I'm creating the target folder and shortcut folder paths are not being populated correctly - they seem to take the Manufacturer string and then append the Product name...

So if I have a Product called A and a Manufacturer Z it would have the paths as $PROGRAMFILES$\\Z A - surely this should acutally be $PROGRAMFILES$\\Z\\A? It's not too much work to change it manually but it is a bit odd that it's not following the convention of Manufacturer\\Product...

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Postby sinan » Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:51 am

Yes, this is by design. We noticed that all Microsoft applications follow the convention Program Files\\Microsoft XXX, instead of Program Files\\Microsoft\\XXX. So we decided to follow their practice, not their advice :lol:

Just search for and edit the TARGETDIR variable in your script, it gets assigned this value once and should be pretty easy to customize.

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Location: UK

Postby [MS]Mark » Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:25 am

Thanks - thought I had something setup wrong as all the others do it with the \\ in between...

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