being a Wise IS user for many years it is great that someone still cary on a style introduced by Wise Solutions in WI world.
Please continue with your effort!!!
Some comments/requests:
- add support for Ctrl+Ins/Shift+Ins/Ctrl+Del as an alternative short cut keys for COpy/Cut/Paste operations in all editors
- Dbl click in script editor on Display Dialog - open dialog editor
- Multi-project support - allow to open multiple projects inside IDE, include scripts
- Password support - allow to provide password list, or generate a new one. Yes, this could be done by external code, but sometimes, internal is handy, or just enough
- Block folding - for better reading of long script it is very useful to be able to fold/collapse a code where sublevels are used
- Allow to specify background color in a script editor
- Project groups - it is usual situation to have more then one setup script for the project, it will be nice to be able group them in a project group/solution