Register .NET assembly with COM Interop

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Register .NET assembly with COM Interop

Postby swmotif » Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:03 pm

Register Assembly calls regasm.exe, without codegen. Use Run program if you need codegen.

Install Assembly is completely different. It creates an MSI database entry for your assembly, so that it is properly installed as an assembly. You can install to the GAC with this MSIcode command, or to your own application folder.

installutil.exe is called by the following two commands only:
Remove Assemblies and Run .NET Installer Class.
Michael Nesmith

Hello, I'm having absolutely no luck with this. I have a .NET 2.0 assembly with COM interop that I've tried everything posted on this forum. The assembly is fine ... I've tested it with InstallShield Express 11.5 and the assembly is fine. I just can't get it to register with IA7.0. When I manually register it from the command line, it doesn't require /codebase either, although when trying to use Run Program in IA7.0 I am using the /codebase option.

Any sample or snippet much appreciated!

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Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:26 am
Location: West Palm Beach, FL

Postby swmotif » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:51 am

My problem was needing quotations around the assembly argument, because the argument would have spaces in it when the variable is populated and the spaces would require quotations for long naming conventions:

After the Install Assembly ... I used Run Program as in this example:

Run Program $WINDIR$Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727\\RegAsm.exe "$PROGRAMFILES$Chirosoft\\Applications\\MyEMRGEH.dll" /codebase /silent (WAIT)

So for the COM interop .NET assembly, this works perfectly fine in XP and Vista, and W2K3 Server. Vista's UAC likes it, too. No need to disable UAC.

Thank you!

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